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Wednesday 19 December 2012

Magnificent Minestone, Veggie Style!

    My week of liquid lunches and dinners continues with this delicious winter warmer inspired by my favourite country and cuisine, Italia! One thing the Italians do so well is keep things simple. They use just a handful of good quality, fresh ingredients and "Prego!" fabulous food! They also stick to tried and tested dishes, they don't mess around and 'de-construct' anything and the results speak for themselves.

   So here I took inspiration from Italy's most famous soup, Minestrone! I omitted the meat and pasta as I am on an all veggie week and packed it full of nutrient dense vegetables! I diced up celery, onions, swede, carrots, garlic, added passata (sieved tomatoes, you could use tinned), a bay leaf, a little veg stock and some tomato puree. Then finished with kale (super food extraordinaire) and fresh parsley!  

Ah bellissimo!!!!


E xx