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Monday 29 October 2012

Mr & Mrs Moussaka

 So apparently women are from Venus and men are from Mars? Venus being the planet named after the roman goddess of love and beauty and Mars being named after the roman god of war. Funny how those things relate to our male and female eating patterns.

 Love and beauty is what us women probably lust after most in life (well, after shoes maybe??) and when you liken love and beauty in food terms I think it conjours up visions of jewel coloured piles of exotic fruit & vegetables, sweet scented herbs and towers of spices glistening in the candle light, a riot of colours and scents seducing our senses. Hardly surprising but us females statistically consume much more fruit & vegetables than our male counterparts, how many men do you know that hanker after the meat rich, vegetable poor diet of their ancestors and a great feasts of roasted meats, whole hogs on the spit and great hunks bread all washed down with lashings of beer? You could just imagine the men of war chowing down on all that and without a side plate a of veggies in sight!   

 My household is no different, I'm probably 95% vegan, with a few oily fish dinners thrown in to keep my omega levels bouyant and the odd helping of goats or sheeps cheese, my husband on the other hand is pretty much a carnivore who would do anything to avoid excessive vegetable consumption!

 Over the years that has lead me to being pretty inventive with getting him to eat some of the green stuff! This is a man who would only eat carrots with gravy on 17 years ago, not a lettuce leaf nor a slice  of pepper would have passed his lips! To say its been a challenge would be the understatement of the century. 

 But perserverance (many, many years I tell you!) has paid off and he eats pretty much a healthy dose of veggies nowadays. I still make us different dinners 3/4 nights out of 7, but it is easy to make adjustments to the same dish to produce a meal that Mars would'nt turn his nose up at and that will keep Venus in love and beautiful.   

Mr Moussaka.

Peppers and mushrooms in the lamb sauce make up for the lack of aubergine that Mr refuses to eat, potatoes replace the aubergines on top to add more "manly" carbs to the meal.

Mrs Moussaka.

Kidney beans replace the lamb in the sauce, extra veggies like courgettes and peppers add extra goodness and super food goats yoghurt tops the dish instead of fat laden bechamel.

 Website with recipes coming soon! Watch this space, all will be revealed!

E xxx